Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thank you [ The Fabric Shopper ]

My Forest Playground fabrics have been featured on the blog, The Fabric Shopper. Check it out here. It's a great site for fabric sale and new-release fabrics!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sneak Peek - Forest Playground fabric collection

The NEW fabric collection - "Forest Playground" with Robert Kaufman will be available September 2013! There are 2 groups in this vibrant collection. One is based on lake blue and sunshine yellow, the other is based on nature green and sunshine yellow. I am so excited and looking forward to finding any quilt or DIY stuff made of these fabrics.

Look at the selvages! There are colorful hedgehogs on in. This is a cute idea using the graphics in the fabric design instead of regular color circles. More details to follow. ^_^

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Surtex 2013

Can you find me in this photo?

A month after Surtex, I am just about to finish up my follow ups with current clients and potential clients. It was great to look at new arts from other exhibitors, which are so inspiring and offer a fresh perspective.
My booth setup has a bright green tone as last year. I decided to let the banner's background have a light texture with tiny elements in order to make the banners reusable. Then I printed the bigger elements including the animals and ornaments in my artworks with my printer. The last step was to attach the bigger elements onto the banners. By doing this, I can replace the graphics from this year with new graphics next year if I want to maintain a similar look and feel for my booth. Also, this is the first year we have a shelf for the licensed products, including the paper stationery with Caspari, some household items made from the "Night Owl Club" fabrics, and an iPad cover by Solid Lines Products. Showing the products this way may have confused the visitors to my booth cause them to think they are mock ups instead of actual finished products. On a more positive tone, this approach did add some depth to the booth instead of having only 2D printed banners.
This year at Surtex, there was not much traffic perhaps due to heavy rain on the first day. However, exhibiting at Surtex is surely a great way to meet clients in person.

(photo below: a lucky dog enjoys the indoor sun bath)