Thursday, May 31, 2012

Surtex 2012

YA!! We had a great show at Surtex 2012. Thank you all for stopping by my booth. I appreciate your compliments and comments on my artworks. I met a lot of manufacturers and artists. The most memorable moment is when I heard "Thank you for existing" from Susan. I will introduce some of my neighbors in the show later.
Here are some pictures!!!

The day before the show when the booth had just been set up. There were "night owl club" fabrics hang on right hand side. I reused some of the Vinyl banners from last year and covered with my new artworks.

All new "Ocean Paradise" collection!

An owl with human legs? No! It's my booth sign with the flying owl.


  1. Great design. Absolutely fine art! I have own a printing company specialized in pvc banners. And really impressed with your design.

  2. Good job, 北鼻!!
    Love your artworks more than 10 years..kk
    keep designing~
    I will be your forever fan.... ^^
